Rhinoplasty Specialist

David  Folk, MD -  - Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Visage Surgical

David Folk, MD

Boutique Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Center located in Paramus, New Jersey. Also serving Burgen County within the New York City Metropolitan Area.

Undergoing a rhinoplasty is often thought of as a cosmetic surgery, but in some cases, this procedure is necessary for medical reasons, too. If you’ve considered a rhinoplasty and would like to find out how this procedure can benefit you, book an evaluation with David Folk, MD, at Boutique Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Center located in Paramus, New Jersey. Book your rhinoplasty exam online, or call to schedule by phone.

Rhinoplasty Q&A

Am I a candidate for a rhinoplasty? 

Making the decision to have a rhinoplasty, whether it’s for cosmetic or medical purposes, is important. After all, your nose is the center of your face and natural-looking symmetrical outcomes are critical. You may be a candidate for a rhinoplasty or nasal reconstruction to treat:

  • Abnormal nose shape due to cleft lip and palate (cleft rhinoplasty)
  • Medical issues, such as allergies (functional rhinoplasty)
  • Large bulbous nose, often due to rosacea (rhinophyma) 
  • Visible humps or depressions along the bridge
  • Improper nose size (too large or too small)
  • Crooked or deviated septum (septoplasty)
  • Enlarged or uneven nostrils 
  • Nasal fractures


At Visage Surgical, Dr. Folk also performs rhinoplasty revision procedures to correct issues left behind from a previous nose job. He even provides ethnic rhinoplasty procedures to enhance your features, without disrupting the uniqueness of your ethnicity. 

What happens during a rhinoplasty?

Dr. Folk is a board-certified head and neck surgeon who’s fellowship-trained in facial plastic surgery. He has a specific expertise in rhinoplasty surgery and has performed hundreds of rhinoplasty surgeries for both cosmetic and reconstructive indications. 

Before your rhinoplasty, Dr. Folk spends time customizing your procedure and counseling you about your projected outcome. He carefully customizes each procedure to achieve a natural and harmonious result. 

During your rhinoplasty — in which either local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia will be used — Dr. Folk makes incisions either inside your nose or outside of your nose between your nostrils near the base. He carefully readjusts bone and cartilage and makes any necessary repairs.

If needed, Dr. Folk can take cartilage from your ears, ribs, or other areas to make corrections. He also spends time ensuring the septum is perfectly aligned, which helps improve breathing. Once Dr. Folk makes all corrections, he places sutures to help with healing. You can usually go home the same day. 

In some cases, nonsurgical rhinoplasty solutions performed right in the office may be an option, too. Dr. Folk uses hyaluronic acid dermal fillers to enhance the contours of your nose.

Will I have scars after a rhinoplasty?

Little-to-no scarring is to be expected. As a leader in modern rhinoplasty procedures, Dr. Folk has advanced skills that help make internal incisions whenever possible. If external incisions are necessary, Dr. Folk ensures they’re in a location that’s not going to be noticeable. 

If you’re considering a rhinoplasty, don’t hesitate to book a consultation at Visage Surgical. Click on the online scheduler, or call to book a rhinoplasty evaluation today.