Brow Lift Specialist

David  Folk, MD -  - Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Visage Surgical

David Folk, MD

Boutique Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Center located in Paramus, New Jersey. Also serving Burgen County within the New York City Metropolitan Area.

A brow lift (or forehead-lift) opens up your eyes and minimizes the appearance of frown lines and wrinkles. If you’re ready for an anti-aging procedure that’s second to none, book a brow lift consultation with David Folk, MD, at Boutique Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Center located in Paramus, New Jersey. Click on the online scheduling feature, or call to book an appointment over the phone today.

Brow Lift Q&A

What is a brow lift?

A brow lift is one of the most popular anti-aging treatments available. It can even serve as an alternative to a facelift if you’re wanting to correct imperfections of your upper face. This procedure involves:

  • Removing excess, sagging forehead skin
  • Repositioning underlying forehead muscles
  • Correcting a sagging brown


In some cases, a brow lift is combined with a blepharoplasty, which is a procedure that involves restructuring your eyelids. This combination can result in a superior treatment that erases years off your face by opening up your eyes and lifting your eyebrows into a more youthful position. 

What can a brow lift treat?

At Visage Surgical, Dr. Folk carefully creates your brow lift treatment plan and tailors it to your unique concerns, as well as your facial features and desired outcome. He can personalize your brow lift to:

  • Minimize forehead wrinkles
  • Improve the arch of your eyebrows
  • Decrease furrows and frown lines between your eyebrows


The goal of your customized brow lift procedure is to restore your more youthful appearance on the upper one-third portion of your face. Aside from some minor swelling and bruising after your brow lift, you should experience the results you want shortly after your procedure.

Dr. Folk also often finds that a brow lift can leave you with a more neutral facial expression because you won’t have grooves and folds that tend to make you look angry or worried. This can help boost your confidence and make you more approachable. 

Will I have scars after a brow lift?

Dr. Folk is a fellowship-trained facial plastic surgeon who has advanced training in modern surgical techniques. Though some minor scarring is to be expected, Dr. Folk is diligent about ensuring your brow-lift incisions are in hidden areas, so they’re barely noticeable.

In addition, Dr. Folk spends quality time counseling you about how to care for your surgical incisions after your brow lift. He can help you enhance healing and minimize surgical scarring as much as possible. 

If you’d like to learn more about how a brow lift can enhance your appearance, book a consultation at Visage Surgical. Schedule online or over the phone.