Facelift Specialist

David  Folk, MD -  - Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Visage Surgical

David Folk, MD

Boutique Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Center located in Paramus, New Jersey. Also serving Burgen County within the New York City Metropolitan Area.

A facelift (rhytidectomy) dramatically improves the appearance of visible lines, sagging skin, and other signs of aging throughout your face and neck. At Boutique Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Center located in Paramus, New Jersey, you can meet with David Folk, MD, who employs the most cutting-edge facelift techniques. You can learn more about modern facelift procedures by booking a consultation through the website or over the phone.

Facelift Q&A

What are the benefits of a facelift?

Your facelift procedure from Visage Surgical is entirely personalized to you. As a fellowship-trained facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Folk has advanced training in up-to-date facelift techniques.

Dr. Folk often combines facelift surgery with complementary facial rejuvenation procedures, such as blepharoplasty, brow lift, lip-lift, or rhinoplasty, for a complete and balanced result. 

By using this customized approach, Dr. Folk can provide a facelift that:

  • Decreases loose skin and fat under your chin (double chin)
  • Minimizes sagging skin on your cheeks and jawline
  • Smooths out stubborn lines, wrinkles, and grooves
  • Resolves excess skin and fatty deposits


Dr. Folk even combines fat grafting when necessary, which provides optimal contouring effects. 

Which type of facelift procedure do I need?

Dr. Folk performs facelift procedures using only deep sedation in his American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF)-accredited facility. This avoids the need for general anesthesia and hospitalization. Some of the most commonly requested facelift procedures include:

Standard facelift

This traditional facelift begins at your temples in your hairline and continues down your face, ending behind your ears. Dr. Folk is able to lift and tighten your face with this type of incision. He may also create another incision under your chin to enhance your neck appearance. 

Deep plane facelift

A deep plane facelift is a modification of the standard facelift. This procedure involves correcting midface issues, such as deep nasolabial folds. 

Mini facelift 

With a mini facelift, Dr. Folk makes smaller incisions along your hairline. This type of facelift can help with minor-to-moderate aging issues. 


How long does it take to recover from a facelift?

Initial recovery from your facelift procedure from Visage Surgical takes several weeks. Swelling, bruising, and minor discomfort are common after a facelift for the first two to three weeks, although these issues improve with each passing day. Depending on your procedure, a full recovery can take at least six weeks. 

Learn more about the expert facelift services offered at Visage Surgical by booking a consultation today. Click on the online scheduler, or call to book by phone.